The unique day, that occurs every four years, has arrived. As a way to make up the extra time of the past three years, we get an extra day on our calendar this year. In using time wisely, we are getting more time today. Woo Hoo!
After a late evening last night due to a family activity and long wait at IHOP for our free pancakes, I need a day to regroup, organize, and prepare for the rest of the week.
By scheduling a slower day in the week, I can take a breath, enjoy the break, and try to snag a nap. Staying rested overcomes frustrations. Taking short naps revitalizes my energy as I serve my family.
Heads Up
One of my business goals for this year is increasing readership. As a loyal reader, I want to let you know when I participate in events marketing Using Time Wisely. In January, I wrote a review of Crystal Paine’s book, The Money Saving Mom’s Budget. In February, I offered a giveaway of the book I received from Crystal for posting my review. Coming on March 1, I have entered tomorrow’s post into Blogelina’s 100 Comments event.
This event with Blogelina aims to get 100 comments on tomorrow’s post by grouping blog authors in groups of 100. I will be posting comments on 100 blogs this coming week like my fellow bloggers. My participating focuses on generating awareness for Using Time Wisely.
As you see the comments, please feel free to chime in with your ideas. I will be interacting through the comments and Facebook and would love your input.
As I engage in more activities, events, and guest’s posts, I will keep you updated. Thanks for reading, spreading the word, and sharing your tips and tricks. Enjoy your extra calendar day while using time wisely!