Summer has arrived, so let the summer reading begin.
Encouraging students to read and learn during the summer months, Barnes & Noble offers a free book for completing their summer reading requirements.
With a goal of earning a new book, my son worked at reading his 8 books last year. By the time he concluded his books, the choices at our local store were low.
Though he did not receive his first or second choice, he enjoyed choosing the book alone.
If you participate, I recommend redeeming your reading log immediately upon completion for the best selection. 🙂
To earn your free book, simply follow these three easy steps:
Step 1: Read any eight books this summer and record them in this Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Imagination’s Destination Journal. Be sure to include to whom you would recommend each book and why.
Step 2: Bring your completed journal to a Barnes & Noble store between May 22 and September 4, 2012.
Step 3: Choose your FREE reading adventure from the book list featured on the back of the journal.
Participation is for students in 1st through 6th grades. To participate, visit the Barnes & Noble web site, download and print the journal, and read. Happy summer reading!
what a great program! our libraries do something similar with little prizes throughout… i’d prefer a book at the end!! have fun this year!
Jen, our local library has the best program, by far. My kids earn Chick-fil-A meals, ice cream, water park or bounce house passes, and trip to a minor league baseball game. They also get little toys and a medal at the end. Sign up begins today, so we paired it with National Doughnut Day. Let the summer begin! 🙂