Is your unread inbox count shrinking, yet? You can click on STEP ONE if need to review or if you missed last week’s tip. Sorting through will take time. Just keep working through those e-mails to delete unwanted items. As you scan through those e-mails, are you finding any companies or individuals that keep repeating? If so, your e-mail address may be on a mailing list. If so, here is what you can do:
Unsubscribe to mailing lists.
I have found that after placing an on-line order with a company, I may be added to their monthly, or sometimes weekly, newsletter and sales. When I find that I am getting e-mails from the same company repeatedly, i.e. Toys R Us, Amazon, etc., I open up one of the messages and scroll to the bottom. Somewhere in the last few paragraphs should be a link to “unsubscribe.” I click on the link, verify my e-mail address to be removed, and send the message. Depending on the site, I may get messages up to a week later. But once my e-mail address has been removed, those e-mails are no longer cluttering my inbox.
Managing your inbox may take some time. As you work to unsubscribe, you may find the clutter disappearing. Next week, I will try to help you manage SPAM in your inbox. What about you, do you have any tips for ridding our inboxes of unwanted items?
I have 49,052 unread emails in my yahoo account.
I’m overwhelmed just reading your unread count, Sarah! I sure hope this is an extra account and not your personal, everyday account. Does the amount of e-mails bother you?