Photograph Credit: LivingSocial
Stretching your dollars is possible with daily deal sites like LivingSocial. If you subscribed to your city’s daily deal (instructions given in last week’s post), then you might have seen the Whole Foods deal earlier this week. The deal included many cities that contain a Whole Foods grocery store. During those few hours the deal was live, one could purchase a $20 voucher for $10. These 50% savings for groceries helps in stretching those dollars and maximizing savings.
By having the deals delivered to my personal e-mail account, I can evaluate the deal and make a decision before the vouchers sell out or the deal expires. In case you are confused about the deals or need more information, here’s how to purchase a deal, locate your voucher, and redeem your voucher.
Purchase a Deal
1. Read the fine print. All the deals are a little different, so you want to be sure that you are purchasing a voucher you can use. If you are purchasing a Christmas gift, then you want to be sure that the expiration date is in 2012. I recently found a voucher that was due to expire by the end of September. Knowing our family could not use the voucher, we gave it to relatives who were thrilled with the gift.
2. Press the “Buy Now” button. When you are satisfied with the fine print guidelines and price for the deal, press the “buy now” button.
3. Adjust your options. On this page you can change the quantity, add gifts, change your payment options (when you are signed in), and view your purchase total.
4. Select “Purchase my deal” button. When you have adjusted your options, select “purchase my deal” button. Your payment will be processed. Please do not select this button if you are not sure you want the deal. Once you press “purchase my deal,” the deal is yours.
Locate your Voucher
Via E-mail
1. Check your e-mail account. Once you purchase the deal, you will receive an e-mail confirming your purchase and giving you instructions regarding when your voucher will be available.
2. Watch your e-mail account. Another e-mail will be sent when your voucher is available to print. When you receive this e-mail, a link will be included to direct you to your voucher.
3. Click the link in your e-mail message. When you click the link, you will be directed to your LivingSocial My Vouchers page. All your available vouchers will be listed.
4. Click “view voucher.” To print your voucher, click the “view voucher” button. A .pdf of your voucher will load, and you can print it for use.
Via LivingSocial
1. Check your LivingSocial account. After purchasing the deal, LivingSocial will place the voucher in your account after processing your payment. This process can take minutes to a day depending on the popularity of the deal. To access your LivingSocial account, go to www.livingsocial.com.
2. Log in. Enter your e-mail address and password to log in.
3. Go to “my vouchers.” In the upper right hand corner, click on the “my vouchers” tab. All your available vouchers will be listed.
4. Click “view voucher.” To print your voucher, click the “view voucher” button. A .pdf of your voucher will load, and you can print it for use.
Redeem your Voucher
1. Read the fine print. One of our deals required a reservation. Therefore, I called prior to the date we planned to use the voucher, and the establishment honored our reservation. The fine print will give you the information you need for unusual circumstances.
2. Take your printed voucher to establishment. When I used our water park voucher, I took the printout up to the box office.
3. Present your voucher. When the cashier greeted me, I presented the LivingSocial voucher. We were then given our arm bands and thanked for making the purchase. Most establishments are aware of the LivingSocial deals, and they welcome your redemption of the voucher.
As you partner with LivingSocial, purchase your deals, locate your vouchers, and redeem your vouchers, you will be able to stretch your dollars. To make the deals better, you can subscribe to LivingSocial to have the deals delivered to your e-mail inbox which helps in using time wisely.
Though you may not be a fan of daily deal sites, as you see the savings to be had, you might change your mind. I post on Using Time Wisely’s Facebook page my daily deal purchases. Come “like” Using Time Wisely and add your favorite deals.
Question: How many vouchers do you have your account? Come add your answer to the comments.