Your eyes are not deceiving you; two months (September and October) are dedicated to using coupons.
With the craziness of my schedule these past few weeks, my coupon binders are a mess. I have inserts organized, but not cut and filed.
Though listed on my To Do list, my coupon binders are low in order of priority.
This process is tough, and I’m thankful for the goals to keep my eyes pointed in the right direction. In pressing forward, the following is my recap of September and my goals for October:
Drink 4 glasses of water per day. Yeah! Back up to 3 glasses of water per day. Now I’m aiming for 4 glasses.
Eat breakfast each morning. With the morning routine down to a science, I have added a granola bar to my schedule. Though not bacon and eggs, this breakfast option works for me right now.
Exercise for 20 minutes at least 3 times a week. This goal is my nemesis. I’m terrible at it and have a new perspective. Our school is considering a 5K run in the spring. I would love to get back into running. With some motivation and a deadline, I am aiming to finish a 5K this spring. In the meantime, I walk and jog the track during my son’s soccer practice each week. Something is better than nothing. 😉
Plan at least one family outing/activity each week. Accomplished! This is my favorite goal this year. Among visits to the apple farm, celebrating Columbus Day, and family dinners, our family has been on the move having fun together. Keeping this goal a high priority!
Spend 10 minutes with each child each day. Accomplished! My schedule has these times built in: with my toddler all morning, then with my kindergartner while the toddler gets her nap, and later with my son.
Allow children to help with a household task each week. Done! Our home is staying cleaner with my children helping with the cleaning.
Follow Crystal’s year-long plan to reach my goals. Couponing is going well. Though my binders are a mess, I still sort through to find the coupons I need. 🙂 My menu planning has been hit or miss during this busy season. However, our well-stocked pantry and freezer keep my family fed.
Purchase dressers for my daughters’ room. This goal is ongoing. No progress this month, and I have not begun looking for replacements.
Purchase upgraded computers for hubby and me. This goal is also ongoing. Put aside savings this month towards this goal and researching options.
Write posts one week in advance. I’m just writing. I am behind on posts, but I’m catching up. 😉
Make one improvement to the blog this month. No progress this month.
Read two chapters of blog book each month. This goal fell by the wayside. I have been asked to edit/proofread an author’s new book, so I look forward to getting some reading done next month.
Progress is slow or non-existent, but life happens. As I work through the challenges, I discover new strengths and weaknesses of my own.
In using time wisely, I am better for having these goals than if I were just wandering along through life. Set goals, and start accomplishing. Happy goal reaching!
Question: How are your goals coming along?