Continuing in File Box 3 of our important documents, the first category holds our Social Security annual statement, identification card, and photocopy of our identification card.
If you are self-employed, then you want to save and file your self-insurance tax records.
Self-Insurance Tax Records
If you are self-employed and you pay health insurance premiums, then keep copies of checks or records of automatic bank transactions for each payment.
With the changing laws and health insurance premium deductions, these records will confirm your contributions at tax time.
In the event you are audited, you will need solid proof of each payment.
Weekly Project: Locate and file copies of your bank statements or checks for each health insurance premium payment.
If you are not self-employed, then take note of this information in case you become self-employed in the future.
Keeping records from the start will save you energy and time. But in using time wisely to gather these documents, you will save money, energy, and time in the event your company gets audited.
With your Social Security documents gathered, verified, and filed, your Social Security category is almost complete. Next week, we will complete this category.
As you continue organizing your important documents, you are saving future money, energy, and time while using time wisely. Happy organizing!
Question: Are you self-employed paying health insurance premiums?