Though I am not where I want to be with my spring cleaning, I am not where I started. My kitchen sink, beds, and medicine cabinet show the results of my housework.
In entering our busiest month of the year, I may need to put the spring cleaning on hold until school is out. May is just full of last-minute field trips, school programs, soccer season for my two older children, and end-of-year parties.
A few things still remain on my spring cleaning to do list. These items include the following:
Sliding Glass Door Track
This track gets quite filthy from season to season. Since it has been about a year since cleaning the track, it needs to get done.
Window Sills
With little black smudges from tiny fingers, my window sills need some attention. Some sills just need a good dusting and a squirt of Windex. Other sills need the Mr. Clean magic eraser for those stray crayon and pencil marks. 🙂
No matter the size of your residence, you have more baseboards than you think you have. Though I try to clean the baseboards when I clean each room, I know I miss some.
Concentrating on the baseboards once or twice a year keeps the dust bunnies away. Though my baseboards probably need a new coat of paint, I will focus on getting them clean before beginning any new projects.
Keeping the house clean, organized, and uncluttered is a full-time job. With a running To Do list that never gets completed, I understand how the mundane gets tiring.
When I get burned out, I stop and think about why these tasks are on my list. Usually it is because my family operates more efficiently when there is clean laundry in the closets and drawers, clean dishes in the cabinets, food on the table, non-sticky floors in the bathroom, and space to run and play.
In using time wisely to organize your household, you are investing in the lives of your family. Take courage. Those little projects matter even if no one else notices. Hang in there, and happy spring cleaning!
Question: What projects still remain on your spring cleaning list?
I was just looking at my sliding glass door track and wondering just how it gets as dirty as it does each winter… esp the area where there isn’t traffic?! ugh! I so have to do all these things that you have posted… so not my favourite things to do. Weather got a little cooler here so my ‘spring’ motivation has fallen a bit, but gonna warm up again later this week.
Thanks for sharing Tracy
Glad to know my sliding glass door track is not the only one that attracts dirt from nowhere. The area without any traffic is worse than the side that gets used. I’m guessing it is from underneath the door. Oh well, glad to hear you’re still working on your list as well. 🙂