Whew! What a busy Father’s Day. After a quick morning celebration, worshipping with our church family, and lunch with Paul’s parents, we came home for the afternoon.
Usually, I spend time blogging while the toddler naps and my older kids play. But today, Paul and I enjoyed an afternoon nap.
Making Notes
Awaking feeling rested and thinking clearly, I found myself making a mental list of this week’s activities. Realizing this list kept going, I grabbed my notebook and started writing everything down. At the end of my brain dump, I had a to do list of 48 items to carry out this week.
Assigning Tasks
In organizing the list, I assigned each task to a day of the week. With about 7 items to complete each day, I have a plan for the week.
By breaking down the big picture into manageable sections, the to do list did not overwhelm me. In fact, the list was freeing.
The best part, I felt motivated and knocked off 5 items already. Some of the errands will combine with our activities, so I’m on my way to a smooth-sailing week.
Executing the Plan
Don’t misunderstand. This week is full of activities, errands, appointments, and cleaning. With a plan in place, I can take a break and enjoy my children, rise early to get a start on the day, or move tasks when our plans change.
In using time wisely to schedule your week, try creating your own to do list. You can always add or subtract projects, but getting them off your mental list and on paper (or phone, computer, tablet, etc.) frees your mind to focus on the task at hand. Happy planning!
Question: How do you prepare for the start of the week?
I never really thought about planning events and assigning days to them. I usually just kept a running to do list, but if I actually assign days at the start of the week, I may get more done. Thanks for the idea! Oh, and I sure can’t live without my day planner!
To do lists can get overwhelming, but assigning days frees up the feeling of “I can’t get it all done today.” You can’t do it all at once, but when it is spread out, the task doesn’t seem so impossible.
Thanks for the tip on your day planner. Totally understand! I use a calendar to stay organized with everything from appointments, bills to pay, birthdays, parties, and activities. Finding a system that works is the best use of your time. Glad your system is working for you, and thanks for the comment, Shannon.