Allergy season has definitely arrived. All three of my children have been congested, miserable, and exhausted. Zapped of energy and just needing snuggles and hugs, my children have camped in my lap this week.
Instead of worrying about the piles of laundry, menu plans, grocery shopping, and other Mommy-responsibilities, I have been counting these blessings:
1. A wonderful husband, who after working all day comes home to play and snuggle with our children, assist with dinner, and handle the cleanup;
2. Slobbery kisses from my 20-month-old;
3. Special breakfast shared with my 6-year-old son;
4. My 4-year-old organizing partner;
5. Benedryl to relieve the allergy symptoms;
6. Soft pillow and a warm comforter;
7. Going to bed early and waking refreshed;
8. Listening to my son read;
9. Hearing “Mommy” (even though it is repeated way too many times); and
10. Lap filled with snuggling children.
A day is quickly coming when my children will no longer desire to crawl into my lap for comfort (insert sad face here). But rather than dwelling on the inevitable, I am choosing to count my blessings.
Keeping my perspective on the blessings of today and thanking my Heavenly Father for another day to spend with my family, I am using time wisely by living today with no regrets. If you find life getting overwhelming with responsibilities piling up, try changing your outlook by counting your blessings.
Question: For what are you thankful today? What are your blessings? Wanna leave a comment?