Happy 12/12/12! I could not allow update week to zoom by without addressing the unusual date along with my 2012 goals. You have watched my successes and failures this year with my established goals, and I love bringing this update on a special day.
Finishing 2012, I am amazed at the progress made on the goals that I thought were attainable for me on paper. Some goals surprised me with ease while others are not going to beat me. 😉
In completing this year, I present my last update to my 2012 goals. The following is my overview of my November goals as I continue the progress throughout December.
Drink 4 glasses of water per day. I’m still struggling with this goal, especially on the weekends. Going from sips of water to a minimum of 3 per day thrills me. I am continuing on to master that 4th glass.
Eat breakfast each morning. Done!
Exercise for 20 minutes at least 3 times a week. In making exercise a priority, I took a fast-paced walk through our neighborhood on Sunday afternoon as the rest of the family took a nap. I walk as often as possible, but I still struggle.
Plan at least one family outing/activity each week. Accomplished!
Spend 10 minutes with each child each day. Done!
Allow children to help with a household task each week. They continue to help, especially when a game, tool, or reward is included. My son is enjoying rinsing the dishes after meals. Didn’t realize he would love this task so much. 🙂
Follow Crystal’s year-long plan to reach my goals. As I continue to count my blessings to remind me of what I don’t deserve, my focus turns from my immediate concerns to contentment.
Purchase dressers for my daughters’ room. This goal is ongoing. We are planning to redecorate the girls’ room in spring, so this goal is on hold.
Purchase upgraded computers for hubby and me. This goal is also ongoing. Looks like this goal might get accomplished before the end of the year.
Write posts one week in advance. Not happening. However, I’m excited at the progress made in scheduling which saves me time. Sometimes it is a blessing to post on-time. I’m happy that all post are now current! 🙂
Make one improvement to the blog this month. Added some affiliate relationships, but no visible progress this month.
Read two chapters of blog book each month. No progress this month. My reading these days consist of 2nd grade and kindergarten material. 🙂
Though my progress may seem small, all these baby steps equal a giant step toward my final destination. Don’t be surprised when some of these same goals remain for 2013. This process is stretching me, and I’m thrilled to keep on learning and improving.
As you continue this month on finishing 2012, end strong. Happy sprinting to the finish line on 12/12/12!
Question: How are your goals coming along?