Yep, it was Monday. The morning routine worked perfectly with Mr. 8 and Miss 6 off to school. Ran a few errands with Miss 3 and dropped her off for a day with Grandpa and Grandma. Ah, a morning to catch up and prepare for our dinner guests this evening.
In starting my week with a manageable plan, I was ready to conquer my downstairs, catch up on e-mail, and write a blog post or two. With the morning and part of the afternoon alone, I was getting in my groove.
Made the pan éclairs for dessert, switched the laundry, and chatted with my mother on the phone. All was going well and I was getting items marked off my To Do list when . . . Murphy’s Law entered the picture.
The adage termed Murphy’s Law states: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” As it usually does, my “anything” started with a phone call. Mr. 8’s teacher calling with the news that the power went out at the school and pickup was now at noon.
The Inciting Incident
What? No! How am I going to get everything done? Oh, the questions spun in my head as I grabbed my purse and headed out the door.
As I tried to recreate the rest of my day, I realized that I wasn’t going to get it all done, so I was going to have to adapt, adjust, and remain flexible as life just happened.
When I arrived, the car line was a mess. The noon dismissal individuals have a different pickup procedure than the full-day students resulting a parking lot disaster. Choosing to just park and get Miss 6, I found her very upset as she missed P.E. and recess due to the power outage. Then after getting Mr. 8, he was begging to play in the gym – again, no power.
The Detour
Well, the power was off in that entire section of town, so what’s a mom to do when her kids need some exercise? We improvised – ending up at Chick-fil-A for lunch. As I see my day fading away, I rearranged my priorities. These young ones needed a break. They had been without air conditioning, were hot and hungry, and needed a place to play.
The Hurdle
After eating and playing, we had to get home. Wanting to get homework done before dinner, we started. Well, what they missed in class ended up coming home. The whole afternoon was shot as we worked on homework until 4:30 p.m.
The Climb
As I looked at the clock and realized that our guests would arrive in 1.5 hours, I felt overwhelmed. Laundry had not been finished, the kitchen was a mess, dinner needed making, and the bathroom could use a wipe down. In using time wisely, I adjusted and focused only on what had to be done and skipped the extras.
The Team
Rallying the troops, I explained how today turned out differently than expected for all of us. Using this opportunity to teach my children, we worked together. They finished their task and came to ask what else was needed. Miss 6 wore out quickly, but Mr. 8 was a huge help from wiping down the sink and toilet with disinfecting wipes to moving the dining room chairs and running the upstairs items to my bedroom.
The Finish Line
With a 6:00 p.m. deadline, we worked all the way up to the sound of the doorbell. I had just finished cleaning the inside of the toilet when our guests arrived. Whew! It was a day. Dinner of Chicago-style stuffed pizza from Papa Murphy’s, cheese sticks, and salad along with pan eclairs for dessert was great, and our guests enjoyed hearing how Murphy’s Law Strikes Back.
Life will happen. Though I include extra time into our daily routines, sometimes shortcuts need to occur. I will end up going back to clean the bathroom and put away the clothes and the other items stashed in my bedroom. But in using time wisely, making adjustments is part of the journey.
To be honest, the day I had planned lacked excitement and adventure, but the day turned out so differently – and better. I got to hang out with my older two alone, enjoy a lunch outing, and our house was presentable for our dinner guests, who never would have known how quickly we adjusted.
As Murphy’s Law strikes back at your house, which will happen, try to roll with the punches and find the silver lining. Laugh lots, stay flexible, keep with the detours and the hurdles, and embrace the change of scenery. Happy navigating on this journey of using time wisely!
Question: How do you adjust when Murphy’s Law strikes back?
Wow, what a day! I guess we have all been there at one time or another. I’ll admit, in the past, when Murphy’s Law would come into play, I would complain about all that I needed to get done, waste time (and energy!) trying to gather my composure and then do my best to attack the day, whatever was left of it. I’ve learned in recent years… okay, months, to “make lemonade” and adjust. I skip the complaints and move on with the day. Like you, I quickly figure out what needs to get done now and give those things my best effort. Understanding that things won’t always go as planned I am much calmer!
Consider yourself FOLLOWED! 🙂
I’ve been learning, too, Toia. From banging my head against the wall, I knew I needed another way. Though I will always want everything in its place, making sacrifices for a temporary event is worth the smiles and relaxed atmosphere.
Thanks for the follow. Glad to have you in the Using Time Wisely community.
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haha, I never invite anyone to dinner because of Murphy living in my house! I secretly thinks he has his own room here somewhere. Way to rally the troops and handle the day with dignity. Great post.
LOL! When I am cleaning the house, my children usually ask, “So, who’s coming over?” We enjoy entertaining, so problems are bound to happen. The fortunate part is that my children are eager to help.
I think embarrassment is a great motivation because my children want all their areas picked up, neat, and clean. Of course, I don’t mind a bit. 😉
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Laugh lots, stay flexible, keep with the detours and the hurdles, and embrace the change of scenery – That’s so true of life, isn’t it? Because it doesn’t always go to plan! Though sometimes, Murphy’s Law can really work out to your favor too! 🙂
Absolutely! I’m glad the day did not turn out as I had planned because the result was more time with my children making memories together. What a great way to using time wisely!
Wow, sounds like a very busy day! You’re right that “Life Will Happen!!” and it usually will happen when you least expect it or when you’re the busiest. Hang in there, you seem to handle it well. I usually adjust to Murphy’s Law by being prepared and ready financially. It can really take the stress off to know that money isn’t another issue if I plan ahead.
So true, Monica. I’m thankful that I had already planned to pick up the pizza for dinner as that was one less adjustment in the midst of changes. I hadn’t thought of the financial aspect, but we have run out to dinner a few times already this school year.
When homework took longer than expected and the evening activities were on the horizon, we used our food budget money to feed our family. Having prepared with money available allowed us to solve the issue without stress.
Thanks for sharing and pointing out this benefit to planning ahead.
Haha, this made me laugh. It’s so true. I feel that once you have kids the probability of Murphy’s Law occurring increases exponentially. I wish I had a method to deal with things going wrong. I just try to remember if my blood pressure is elevated I am burning extra calories. It’s just a little cardio!
Great perspective! I have plenty of extra calories to burn, but Murphy is not welcome everyday at my house. My blood pressure stays low, and I hope to keep it that way. 😉
Murphy practically lives at my house, so I have adjusted by keeping big empty spots on my weekly schedule and doing my best to go with the flow (which is really hard for me!). With three kids, there is very little that goes the way I think it will, so I’m always better off assuming chaos and leaving space (physically and mentally) for it.
I really like how you shifted halfway through the day and realized you needed to give the kids what they needed to handle the stress of the change. And you’re right, this day was much more adventurous (and memorable to them), and I loved how they pitched in to help you get ready for dinner.
Gina, I’m with you. Having 3 kids is definitely a juggling act, and I still struggle with going with the flow. I think part of the success of the day was that Miss 3 was with her grandparents. She can make a mess while “helping” that takes more time to fix than if she had not helped. I know you understand. So, not having her help made the day a bit more bearable as Miss 6 and Mr. 8 have reaped the benefits of helping and willingly chip in knowing that fun is on the way.
Thanks for the comment and for understanding that life just happens. 😀
When life throws stuff like that at me I usually have a meltdown. I just don’t handle stress well. In my mind I want to be flexible and more laid back about things not going the way I wanted, but somehow I haven’t learned how to actually be laid back!
Good for you getting your children to help out too!
I might shed a tear, but usually I don’t have time for a meltdown. 🙂 Thankfully, this scenario does not happen often, so a little excitement just makes the event more memorable.
My husband is very laid back. Though I will never reach that level, I have relaxed quite a bit since having children. I don’t think any day goes perfectly as planned, so I’m on this journey and sharing it with so many others trying to master using time wisely.
Thanks for the comment and sharing your heart, Stephanie!
I think Murphy must live at our house. This is every day in my life 🙂
LOL! Glad I’m not alone, Carrie. Thanks for the comment.
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Days like these do happen and I applaud you for the way you adjusted and adapted to the situation. We just have to roll with the punches. With 3 kids I’ve learned to do what I can when I can as best I can. Great post!
Thanks, Louisa. I haven’t always rolled with the punches, but by adjusting and learning from each instance, I’m making progress without frustrating my family by being too concerned about the details. Those details still drive me nuts, but I can tackle them at a later time.
I like your “do what I can when I can as best I can.” What a great motto! Thanks for sharing.
Sounds SO familiar, (well, not the school and kid part because mine is grown) but the working up until the doorbell rings!! Do we try to do too much and put on a front when company comes?? Why don’t we let them see us as we really are?? For me, it’s probably because I don’t want them to see how messy I can be. 🙂
Great post!!
Haha! I know what you mean. Honestly, having finished 4 loads of clothes the night before, I had not taken the time to clear off the couch. Also, we needed to vacuum the carpet, especially under the table, clean up the kitchen, and wipe down the bathroom.
For the most part, the house was picked up. I just had a hurry to get the items put away due to homework taking so long to complete. Had the day gone a bit differently, the topic for this post would have been much different.
It’s is nice to know that life happens to all of us and that embarrassment is a universal motivator. 🙂 Thanks for comment, Vee!
I never let Murphy bring me down. I like to be organized and I sometimes have to deal with my overwhelming desire to have everything under control… but life happens and it’s the least stressful if simply accepted as it is. However, it really helps to be organized and productive on “normal” days. Murphy is especially nasty if you procrastinate. 🙂
Agreed, Masha! Sometimes I wish I had stayed up later, but then I really need my rest. So, adjusting and learning keeps me on my toes when incidents like these occur. Thanks for sharing your tips on keeping it together when life happens.
I love how you were able to go with the flow and that your day turned out better than expected. 🙂 It’s also sweet that your kids were able to help you get things ready before company came over. I had to check out your pan éclairs link. I’m going to have to try it out!
Yes, Julie, I am blessed with 3 children, who are working to carrying their weight around the house. They are learning that the more help they give, then the less time it takes. With more time to spare, we have opportunity to do fun activities.
The pan eclairs are so delicious. Though I made them that morning and the pudding was firm, I prefer to make them the day before serving. The pudding gets almost to a solid state making serving much easier. However, I found that having at least 6 hours to set is still company-worthy. Thanks for the comment!
I am slowly learning to organize and plan my days and it truly makes a difference. Sometimes I am able to rest by the time the kids get home and concentrate on their homework and then there are times where I am down to bed time getting it all done but I find it a joy to complete all of my tasks and being flexible as to when they get done.
Mimi, I understand. Though we have established routines in our home, afternoon and evening activities do interfere on occasion. During those times, we adjust and adapt until we can get back into our routine. Keep going as you are not alone. Thanks for the comment.
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I love that fact that you looked at your new day as an adventure instead of a problem Kudos to you! Life is all about how we look at it and you have a great attitude. I will be back to your site often as I have no organization skills whatsoever and tend to live my life by the seat of my pants!
Welcome, Carla. We are learning together over here. Though I was born-organized, I love it. My 6-year-old daughter is the same way. She loves to organize when she is playing.
I love sharing what works and what doesn’t to save us all money, energy, and time. Glad to have you as part of the Using Time Wisely community, and thanks for the comment.
I’m always running around like a chicken with my head cut off when we’re having guests over. I guess I’m trying to clean every little thing before they come. Maybe if I plan ahead a few days, I can get some of those things done ahead of time!
Haha, Renee! We entertain often, and it doesn’t matter how far in advance I start. There will ALWAYS be last minute items to do because if I have extra time, then I try to add in a few extras that end up taking more time than planned. *sigh* I’m just thankful for friends and times of fellowship over dinner. It’s funny because I don’t mind if my friends’ homes aren’t perfect, but I expect mine to be pristine before opening the door. One day I’ll learn to just relax.
I know Mr. Murphy all to well unfortunately. Our house is always busy with 4 kids, I work from home and homeschool. My husband is in the Service so last minute changes happen often. I wouldnt know what to do if things went as plan.
Bless your heart, Dawn! Do what you can and embrace the changes in schedule as they come. Sounds like your home is an adventure every day. Enjoy it! 😉
Oh boy! I wouldn’t have expected that one! I just had dinner guests over the other day and it did seem like it consumed the whole day, even though I only had a little bit of tidying up to do before they got there. I think it was the anticipation that really gets to me. I need to learn to relax a bit more! Sounds like you did a pretty good job and I hope you enjoyed your company!
I totally understand, Lindsey, as I usually take the whole day to clean up. We did have a great time, and I’m glad I did not spend the entire day cleaning. 🙂
Wow, what a day. But great thinking on your toes!
Thanks, Heather. I’m getting better at adjusting. Learning to relax and go with the flow has taken a l-o-n-g time to learn, and I don’t always get it right. However, each obstacle is another growth opportunity which I gladly embrace. Thanks for the comment!
Oh, how I needed this reminder! I tend to get overwhelmed at times with my list and then end up doing nothing because I don’t know where to start. The best reminder though… rearranging because your kids need you more. YES! Thank you!
Yes, Angela, I need this reminder as well. Realizing my tendency to just stay on task, I have ask my children to let me know when it is time to just play. With this freedom to speak their mind, they work hard, but then let me know. I’m thankful for these reminders because I would miss so many opportunities without their halt to my agenda. Appreciate your comment, Angela!
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Great job not getting stressed out over the snags in your day! And for looking at the positive. It is so much better when things go as planned, but as you mentioned, they often don’t, so better to go with the flow and make the best of it. Kudos to you for doing just that.
Thanks, Pam. On this journey to using time wisely, I work to overcome the obstacles rather than staring at them and dreading the initial push. If I just get going, then the problems seem to get solved quickly which saves time and energy. Its a process, and I’m still learning. But, I love to celebrate the little victories along the way. Appreciate your comment!
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I like how you wrote this like an event. It was fun to read.
Thanks, Jamie. It’s called my life with my 3 growing children and never a dull moment. 😉
Well, it looks like even though things didn’t go to plan you made it work! Sounds like you have quite the team of helpers 🙂 Great post, Thanks!
Yes, Kate. My helpers are fantastic, and we get to do lots of fun things because we work together. It wasn’t always this way, but I am very grateful for their help. Thanks for the comment!
Murphy’s Law is best thing in life to keep us on your toes. I am a list person. I have list for everything. So when Murphy decides to hit. I just readjust the list. I prioritize what has to be done and can’t wait and write another list for tomorrow with the things that can and then I giggle at Murphy and keep moving. Usually the day like yours ends up with a silver lining. Don’t sweat the small stuff my Mom always said. Glad your day ended up good. =)
Love your perspective! In light of the week or the month, that day really was “small stuff.” I’m glad the day ended up a success as well. It was nice to have a silver lining. Keep on adjusting as it seems it is working great for you as well. Thanks for the comment!
I greatly enjoyed your post! You share and encourage with such eloquence! Yes, Murphy’s Law seems to strike my household whenever we’re about to embark on vacation. I’ve learned that list making and flexibility are my answers to the unavoidable disruptions. I love how you managed to keep perspective and consider your children’s needs (food, exercise, & quality time) a priority despite your own to-do list!
Thanks, Rachel. Though I understand that adage – if Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy, I also understand that if the kids aren’t happy, then Momma can’t relax and get the to do list done.
Ahh, vacation time is another tricky one. Two of my children get clingy (Mr. 8 and Miss 3) when the suitcases come out. Something about the change brings it out. I have to set aside time to just love on them and explain what is happening. Once they get those assurances, then we are good to pack.
I appreciate your kind words and your comment. 🙂
I used to be thrown every time something didn’t go as planned. I was miserable and so were those around me. Having children and marriage has taught me a lot about compromise and letting things go.
My family is the most important thing in this world to me so instead of seeing them as interruptions I view them as gifted moments from God. How do I know that this is not the final moment I get to spend with them? Much sadness and loss had to happen in my life for me to come to this point but I always try to share this way of living because it truly does make for a more meaningful life.
When I plan to work on something like a ‘to do’ list I prepare. I also experiment to see what works and what doesn’t. I’ve had to adjust my schedule many times even working the night shift so I can attend to my family during the day.
When something comes up, I using say a little prayer by default and adjust much like what you did. If you concentrate on the interruption or change in plans you will get bitter and annoyed and lose the rest of your day. You handled it very well and still completed your ultimate goal for the day.
Sara, I love that these are “gifted moments from God.” Agreed! Thanks for sharing your story how you endured hardships and learned valuable lessons that you live out each day. Priceless!
As the mom of two small children, I have frequent run-ins with Murphy’s Law!!! 🙂 When this happens, I try to remember to take a deep breath and adapt. Some of my most brilliant ideas and most creative solutions have come from an unexpected disruption in my daily schedule. Thanks for the great post!
I agree, Arianne! With a challenge, I tend to rise up to meet it. If the day goes as planned, then I miss out on the challenge. Thanks for sharing!
GREAT Mom and GREAT organizer. What a great idea to rally the troops and get them to all work together. Each family is a team for sure and it is wonderful that you are teaching them that y’all are all in it together. I tell mine…”you help make the mess and we are a team to keep it all in shape!”
Yes, Shan, we are a team. When my children were young, I used to pick up everything. One day, my son was playing with a friend and made the statement that he did not pickup because his mom did it for him. Well, that was the turning point for me because I was not training him to be responsible. Let’s just say I am still learning, but team made the mess, and the team will help maintain it as well. Thank you for your kind words and for sharing!
It seems that we’ve had weeks of Murphey’s law! We’re a pretty flexible group, but we’re all starting to wear out. I’m impressed with how well and how quickly you were able to rearrange your lists and accomplish the necessities. I think my problem is that everything feels like a necessity!
Growing up, my family entertained often. My mom would remind us that our friends were coming to see us and not the house. Of course, this did not stop my mom from having my brother and I chip in to help. As my kiddos keep the downstairs picked up, I could pick and choose what was needed. Anything not handled was shipped upstairs – which was a disaster. It is picked up now, but it was a mess at the time. 😉 We are all learning on this road to using time wisely. Thanks for the comment, and happy blogging!
It’s lovely when everyone pulls together to turn a potential disaster on its head. You must be very proud of your kiddos. 🙂
Absolutely, Erin. Thanks for participating in the commentathon. I’m honored to have you stop by to read and comment.
Well, you had a very full day. Glad to hear that it turned out alright. I like how you include a lot of good links within your post to other content that you have written.
As for Murphy’s Law, I just have to keep reminding myself that tomorrow will be much better if I can just get through this day. Having a ‘better’ day to look forward helps – it’s a reminder that whatever is going wrong is not going to last forever.
Thanks for your comment and observations regarding the content links. I do my best to only link to relevant information as we are on this journey of using time wisely.
So true, Yona, those unexpected moments won’t last forever! Wishing you a great day where Murphy stays away.
Wow!! It seems like this is how my house is every other day! Before having children, I thought I had it all perfectly planned out, how my day would go, how I would carry around my child while peacefully completing house work. Ummm…not even close to how it really was! It’s always good to have a plan and to not expect things to go exactly right, especially with more than one child. I loved reading your post! 🙂
Haha! I remember the same visions, Ashely. I thought the front backpack would magically allow me to carry baby and work. What I did not realize is that I could not clean with the cleaning products or reach my dishes in the sink or work around baby rightinfrontofme. Yeah, reality set in, and my house was not as clean as I had envisioned. But it got better and it still does.
Thanks for your comment, and I’m glad you enjoyed the read. 🙂
What a busy, busy day! But i have to thinking on your shoes! Great post! Thanks for sharing!
It was busy, Mary! Thanks for your comment and for participating in the commentathon. Happy blogging!
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I’m pretty sure that I experience Murphy’s law at least once a week! You’re right. You just have to roll with it sometimes!
It’s coming anyway, we might as well just roll with it. 😉 Keep pressing on, Stephanie, and thanks for the comment.
Life happens but you bounced backed and persevered! Love the fact that Mr. 8 helped clean-up. CARPE DIEM
Yes, Jasmine, Mr. 8 and Miss 6 were very helpful. We wouldn’t have finished without their help. They enjoyed the extra praise and encouragement lavished on them both. Thanks for the comment!
Do you mean that some people have days that AREN’T like this?? Lol. I swear – the more I try to plan things, and get organized and on track – the MORE things go wrong!!
Don’t get discouraged, Meagan. The more you practice planning and organizing, the easier it will get. It takes repetition, tweaking, and lots of ups and downs. Thanks for the comment. Take heart!
Oh how well I can relate to this!! As a mommy to two little ones and a farmer’s wife, I have to expect the unexpected!! I will admit, I haven’t always had such a great attitude about the change in plans but am trying to learn to “roll with the punches” like you talked about! It’s true, sometimes those topsy-turvy days end up being the most memorable 🙂
You are not alone, Ruby. I don’t always have a great attitude either. However, the less I worry; the better I am able to adjust. Instead of focusing on the problem, I am learning to focus on a solution. We’re on this journey together. Hang in there!
Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the Commentathon Event!