The other day, I found myself wasting time trying to find a loyalty card attached to my key ring.
The card was smaller than some of the other cards, and I went through my cards twice before locating the correct one.
As I wasted time, I knew I needed to get these cards organized by size to help me find the one needed.
An Option for Organizing
For those of you with smart phones, you can scan your loyalty cards into an app that will save your barcode. When you need that card, you can scan it directly from your phone.
Since I am content with my normal, no-fuss cell phone to use for phone calls only, I do not have this option.
With the smart phone application, you will still want to keep your loyalty cards in the event that your battery dies or you forget your phone. If you add these cards to your key chain, then keeping them organized can save you time and energy when finding the one you need.
Start at the Beginning
When I would get a new loyalty card, I would just stick it on my key ring. With all different sized cards, I needed them arranged by height. To carry out this goal, I had to start over.
1. Took all the cards off the key chain.
2. Organized them by size based on the key ring hole.
3. Put often-used cards before rarely-touched cards that were the same size.
4. Placed the cards back on the key chain.
Ripple Effect
Once my loyalty cards hung in size order, I decided to rearrange my keys within the same order. I know . . . quirky, but my entire key ring in height order makes me happy. 🙂
I know some people (OK, most people) would not care, but it matters to me. In using time wisely, I organized my key chain to hold only what I need, in height order, for quickly selecting the requested card.
Before and After
My organized key chain has already helped me save time since I can see all the edges of the cards when finding my choice. As you purge, clean, and organize, small projects like organizing a key chain can save you energy while using time wisely. Happy organizing!
Question: What small project keeps you using time wisely?
Great idea. I also got a TagWrap to keep my cards clean and private. I love the pink leather! -Wendy
Great tip, Wendy! I had not heard of a TagWrap ( Thanks for sharing because I’m all about clean and private. 🙂
Just curious: don’t most of these cards work by just telling the cashier your phone #? I don’t carry any as I can just give my phone #. Am I missing out on something? Also, if I did have to carry some, why not just alphabetize? Thanks!
Hey Lisa! You make some good points. Yes, you can tell the cashier your phone number. However, I have had issues at CVS, Staples, and Bi-Lo with using our phone number. At CVS, the Extra Bucks do not list the last number of your account on the coupon. If I use my card, and then try to use the Extra Bucks issued from a transaction where the phone number was used, then the Extra Bucks get rejected. Also, I have an account, and my husband has an account. Keeping them separate is easier with the cards. At Staples, we lost rewards because the system updated and erased our phone number. I did not have the card, so those rewards were gone. At that point, I began carrying all my loyalty cards.
Regarding alphabetizing them, I carry one card for multiple locations – Kmart/Sears. Since I already can picture the card for which I’m looking, I know if it is small, medium, or large.
This arrangement works for me. If you haven’t experienced any problems with using your phone number, then use your phone number and forget using the cards. Alphabetizing might be your best option. I had a hard time getting the little ones from sticking to the bigger ones which is why I organized from small to big.
Finding a system that works for you is the key to organizing. Thanks for questioning my choices. My rhyme or reason may not work for you. Adjust to your needs. I wish I could just use our phone number that would be much easier, but I want all those rewards. 🙂
Sorry my response took so long, you make some very good points, esp. on the heels of finding out Staples duplicated my account, and you can’t use your phone # at CVS’ kiosk. I’ll give your way a try, thanks!
Glad you commented, Lisa, and questioned my choices. If you have a smart phone, I would recommend the free app CardStar. Finding a workable system might take a couple tries. Wishing you organizational success!