Over the weekend, I participated in a conversation among friends regarding our homes. Two of the participants work to keep a clean home throughout the weekend. On Monday morning disaster may strike (within reason). 🙂
I, on the other hand, allow items to pile up on the weekends since we are out and about attending activities. When Monday arrives, I get back on track. I schedule Mondays to be a day at home to clean up the kitchen, finish the laundry, sort through the projects and items obtained over the weekend, run the vacuum cleaner, and play with my kids. For me, my house is usually picked up through the week. The weekends are filled with too many activities to deal with my house.
What about you? In which scenario do you fit?
A: My house is picked up through the weekend and a bit messy during the week.
B: My house is picked up through the week and a bit messy during the weekend.
C. My house is clean all the time.
D. Yeah, I’m lucky if my house gets picked up at all. (Hang in there!)