How are your e-mail accounts holding up? For about a month, I have had about 10 e-mails in a pending status just because I needed a block of time to address the matters thoroughly.
Since I typically check e-mail 2 to 3 times a day, I kept these messages in my inbox. Seeing them everyday kept reminding me to address them, but time did not appear. Imagine that!
Though I still have my personal account that needs attention, I scheduled time while watching the Olympics to work through the pending e-mails in my Using Time Wisely e-mail account. Wow, I cannot remember the last time that inbox was empty. It was great downloading free e-books, updating affiliate links, and archiving reference material.
With so many e-mails coming through my accounts, keeping all my inboxes uncluttered frees up my time. Working on clearing out my business account inbox has motivated me to schedule my personal account tomorrow. Thankfully, the other 8 accounts have no pending items. Yeah!
For more on how I keep a clutter-free inbox, checkout step 1, step 2, step 3, and step 4 of my system. What works for me may not work for you. However, I hope by sharing my tips that you can receive order and organization in your busy lifestyle while using time wisely. Happy organizing!
Question: How many pending items remain in your inbox?
I seriously need work in this area!!!! My mailbox gets a thorough cleaning about 2x a year and I really don’t have it organized well enough to have a ‘pending’ file – though I should! I won’t say how many emails in general I have in my mailbox as you may fall off your chair laughing!! LOL
Glad that you found the time to get your emails dealt with… it can be a real challenge! Great time to do it while watching the Olympics…
I know it’s a challenge, Jen. Keeping the e-mails down is tough, but I get distracted when my e-mail is full. I know others who have thousands in their inbox, so I understand. My huge problem at home right now is our tax documents and all my scrapbooking items which I might get to one day. 🙂 I’m there with you. Just make the best which what you have while using time wisely.