Similar to shopping for the ingredients, finding a recipe, and gathering the pans, bowls, and utensils, preparing your filing system before adding documents gives you the tools to finish the project.
If last week’s file box 3 overview parallels preparing to cook a dish, then this week’s show and tell is like greasing the baking dish.
This file box 3, organized in the same fashion as file box 1 and file box 2, has multiple categories. As a sample of a way to setup this file, I present a pictorial show and tell of File Box 3 of my accordion filing system.
The closed accordion file box. Imagine this, file box 3 is missing its string. Yep, all three of my file boxes operate just fine without the string. When the strings were used, they got caught on other files until they finally snapped. Without the strings, I can access these files without getting caught on other boxes which saves time and energy. Though this accordion file is different now than when first purchased, I adapted the file to fit my style.
The opened accordion file box. In using time wisely, I choose not to label each of the 12 file slots. For me, more is not always better. To stay organized, I choose to only label the categories. I used the plastic inserts that came with the accordion file to write the category title, one category per label. Some categories expand into 2 or more file openings while others only use one slot. If you prefer to label each slot, then adjust these guidelines to fit your needs.
Close-up look at the file tabs. In this file, I have used five tabs to identify the five categories in this retirement and investment file. To make the tabs easy to read, I have placed them in a row from left to right. The five categories identified in this box are:
- Social Security Documents
- Retirement Plan Documents
- Investment Documents
- Estate Planning Documents
- Tax Records Documents
Finding a system that works for you will aid in using time wisely. My file may contain more or less documents than you possess. I share my filing system to give you an organizational system framework from which to start. Please adjust this file to meet your needs.
As I cover each category, I will explain the retirement and investments Paul and I have chosen for our family. These are our choices. I am not a financial advisor, nor am I suggesting that you follow in our footsteps. My goal is to assist you in organizing your important documents.
This pictorial overview is the framework for all our important retirement and investment documents. Next week, I will begin working through file box 3 one category at a time. Come join me as we get these documents organized. Feel free to use this visual image to setup your own accordion filing system. Happy organizing!
Question: What object have you adapted to better meet your style?