Spending many days at the water park, I found that keeping our swim bag packed saves time and energy. I designated a bag for the water park. This bag was received via a coupon at Staples early in the back-to-school season. The items kept within include:
- 5 Towels
- 2 Swim diapers
- Container of wipes
- 2 diapers or slip-on/pull ups
- Sunscreen in a pump
- Bath toys for toddler in wading pool
- Bag of goldfish or other non-chocolate snack
- Water park mug, resulting in $2 refills
Then on the day we venture out to the water park, I will add the following items to our bag:
- Kids’ filled water bottles
- My wallet
- My keys with our annual passes in height order😉
By having our water park bag packed and ready to go, I can quickly prepare for a day of fun in the sun. When we return, I wash our items and repack our bag for the next visit.
For often-visited attractions where you need to take the same items on each visit, consider packing a special bag designated for those visits. Our water park bag saves time and energy since all the items are kept in one place. Keep enjoying your summer, and happy organizing!
Question: Do you keep often-used items together?
Great idea! I’m always running around acting crazy trying to make sure that I have everything… then everyone gets in my way (including the dogs!)… usually ends in me being stressed LOL! Wouldn’t this help in this area… YUP! Thanks for the suggestion!
No problem. Thanks for the comment!