When I was expecting our first born, a very dear friend granted me this recipe for Homemade Baby Wipes. Having made hundreds of batches, I know this recipe has saved our family hundreds of dollars.
The wipes are very gentle. All three of my children have skin sensitivities, but none of them suffered from on-going diaper rash. I continue to use these wipes when I am at home. I found that they dry out in the small wipe holders that I carry in the diaper bag.
For the diaper bag, I purchase Huggies wipes. Our pediatrician highly recommends the Huggies brand since all items are fragrance free. I still remember the first diaper place on both my son and my oldest daughter. The nurses used Pampers diapers available at the hospital, and both of my children had bright red bottoms for the first few days. Once switching to Huggies, I had no more skin irritation issues.
Though I am loyal to Huggies brand, I choose to use the cheaper homemade wipes at home. When I make the wipes, I follow the recipe and allow it to cool for a few hours. I then fold the wipes in about 3-inch accordion-style folds and place them in a gallon-size Ziploc bag. As the wipes in the wipe warmer run low, I use the folded wipes to refill. Though I prefer to use the wipe warmer, the homemade wipes can be dispensed from the center of the container at any time.
My container has the wipe recipe fully taped on the outside. So when the container gets wet, the recipe will still be intact. As I give expecting parents the gift of Homemade Baby Wipes, I also use packing tape to fully adhere the recipe to the air-tight container.
This gift has been a continuous money saver for me. Does anyone have a different recipe for homemade wipes that work for you? Do you have any other money saving tips for baby wipes?