Look who’s turning 3 today! My husband jokingly refers to Using Time Wisely as my fourth child. In some ways, he is correct. In other ways, I do abandon the blog when life happens, and I never would abandon a child.
Gratefulness doesn’t seem to fully express how much I appreciate each and every reader. I am so honored you would use your time to subscribe by e-mail, follow on Facebook, and visit the website.
You amaze me with your consistent reading.
I am still very much learning how to blog. Having spent some time in the past week updating the Using Time Wisely sidebar, I have come a long way. I am thrilled with the progress made, but I have much I still want to do.
The site in general needs updating, and I would love to roll out a new look this year. With the program purchased, I might have to build the site back up from the ground. I am still in the research phase which is why the design has not changed.
On this third blogiversary, I am making some noise and celebrating you! Thank you for being part of the Using Time Wisely community. I appreciate the accountability provided within our community as we journey on to using time wisely. Happy celebrating!
Happy 3rd Blogiversary, Using Time Wisely!
Question: What do you like or dislike about Using Time Wisely?