Yay! I completed my adult summer reading log and within the first week of signing up.
Desiring to read the recommended reading books prior to my children, I am reading and marking them off of list one at a time.
While I am enjoying my summer reading, my children are in a game-playing phase right now.
Miss 4 wakes up asking me to play Go Fish while Mr. 8 reluctantly joins us for the chance to play Phase 10 or another “bigger” game with me later.
Growing up is a good thing and giving children the best start means starting with something simple before moving to the complex.
For the young children, our next summer reading program is actually all-year long through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Children ages 0 – 5.
Program Length
Expires on the child’s 6th birthday.
Develop a love of reading from birth with a new book each month.
Check to see if there is a participating Imagination Library in your local area. If so, then signup any eligible child.
If you don’t have this program, then send this link to your school district’s preschool coordinator requesting they offer this program.
Each month your child will receive an age-appropriate book in the mail throughout his time in the program.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Benefits
Unfortunately, our area does not invest in the lives of young child through this program.
When Mr. 8 was born, there was a similar program where an education coordinator came to our home once a month and talked about normal development, played a game or two with us, and then left us an age-appropriate book.
Within the second year of my son’s life, the program ceased without a replacement.
I still remember the first book our educator Brooke gave to him as Mr. 8 gnawed on it and would not let it go. Though he chewed on it, this book survived all 3 of my children and still has life left.
He loved to have it read to him and kept it in his crib.
If you have young children or know of those with little ones and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is available in your area, then please sign them up and encourage others to do the same.
You can’t beat up to 60 FREE books to get your home library going for your young learner. Happy summer reading!
More 2014 summer reading programs: