Prepare yourself . . . this is the last category of our important documents file.
Yes! We have reached the last one after a few years of organizing our important documents broken down into File Box 1, File Box 2, and File Box 3.
Within File Box 3, we have created categories for Social Security documents, Retirement Plan documents, Investment documents, and Estate Planning documents. The last category is our Tax Records documents.
Though I keep our 3-year records in large totes, I have a section within our important documents dedicated to our tax records.
The records held within our important document file reside within one file opening and include the following:
Tax Records Documents
- Tax Document Summary Sheet
- Tax Records from 2012
- Tax Records from 2011
- Tax Records from 2010
As I share the contents of our Tax Records documents, these are choices that Paul and I have made. I share them as an example of how to organize. Your situation maybe more or less complicated, so adjust these suggestions to meet your needs.
The goal is to organize your important documents. My documents are complete although routine maintenance is ongoing. In using time wisely to get these documents organized, you will save money from paying for duplicate documents, energy from searching through stacks of papers, and time by going directly to the source. Happy organizing!
Question: Do you keep all your tax records in one location, or do you keep the pertinent information with your important documents?