Photograph Credit: Flicker (Masayoshi Sekimura)
From squeezing the toothpaste to placing toilet paper on the roll, many individuals have strong opinions about these topics – myself included. Though Paul and I have separate tubes of toothpaste and are on the same page when it comes to dispensing the toilet paper, we have not always seen eye to eye.
I used to just “fix” the issue myself until I realized that if I just told Paul (aka Mr. Laid Back) it bothered me, then he might “fix” it himself which is a better use of my time.
Since he did not care either way and I prefer our toilet paper to dispense from the top, we both put the roll on “correctly.” It has worked for years in the apartment, the townhouse, and now our house. Until . . . we had little helpers. 😉
With three bathrooms in our home and in the midst of Miss 3’s potty training, our family goes through rolls of toilet paper often. As Paul and I replace most of the rolls, we “correctly” put the roll to dispense from the top.
Our children just stick the toilet paper on the roll. Sometimes they get it right, but I tend to find the backwards roll when they are not present.
Poor Miss 3 was going potty and the roll had been put on “backwards.” She called saying she needed help. So, I checked on her to find her in tears because she could not find or reach the end of the toilet paper. Upon switching the roll to dispense from the top, I immediately got a big smile, a “thank you,” and a giggle which made my day.
Though dispensing from the top or the bottom is a preference, Ann Landers claims this topic as one of her most controversial subjects. Some of her readers keep the toilet paper dispensing from the top in one bathroom and from the bottom in another. I’m not sure I would go that far, but does it really matter?
Yes! Just ask Miss 3 because hanging the toilet paper “correctly” allows her to use time wisely. Though I can use a bottom dispensing roll without “fixing” it, I do prefer reaching for the toilet paper in front rather than trying to find it from behind.
Of course, if I went with a vertical holder, then this orientation issue would be moot and not as fun to discuss. If you have a conflict over which way the paper rolls in your household, then discuss it. Getting on the same page will save you from “correcting” the roll each time which saves you time and energy. Happy dispensing!
Question: Which way do you prefer your toilet paper to roll – from the top or bottom?