Are you in the market for new clothes, school supplies, computer software, or a computer (iPad, Tablet, laptop, etc.)? Are you searching the sales each week looking for that “incredible deal?” If so, then check to see when your state will offer tax-free days.
If you already live in a state without sales tax, then checking these dates will not help you in stretching your dollars. Sorry. (Think of all the money you save, from not paying sales tax, each time you shop. :-))
With back-to-school season beginning, the sales on clothing, school supplies, and electronics are gearing up. As you get your lists ready, be sure to check out Chrissy’s list of tax-free days. A fantastic way of stretching your dollars is by combining your state’s tax-free days with a great sale.
If you cannot find what you need on those tax-free days, never fear, Black Friday and Cyber Monday will be here before you know it. Just be patient and wait for that awesome deal that will meet your needs. Happy savings!