Around the blogosphere, many bloggers share their perspective on life. As I contemplate these many ideas (and some are really out there), sometimes I’m not sure what I think.
During this week of What Do You Think?, I share a topic and give you my 2¢. Please share your opinion.
The topics chosen will follow the posting schedule. Thanks in advance for your contributions on this journey to Using Time Wisely!
What Do You Think about Using Bananas Past Their Prime?
Tracy’s 2¢: I peel and freeze our overripe bananas for a baking day. Since bananas sweeten with age and banana bread makes great gifts for teachers and friends, I add the defrosted past-their-prime bananas to my banana bread dough for a sweet loaf of bread.
In reading Five Ways to Use Overripe Bananas, I loved the idea of freezing the bananas in cube sizes, and using them to chill a smoothie. When using ice, the consistency changes from thick and smooth to a watery texture. The frozen banana keeps the smooth consistency while chilling the smoothie.
Might try the shoe polish suggestion, but will definitely test the banana’s medicinal effects on a wart (directions listed in the comments). My kids get planter’s warts from the pool at the water park. The over-the-counter wart remover took 2-3 months to cure the wart on my son’s foot last summer. The banana option is worth my time and energy, not to mention that I usually have bananas around the house.
As bananas ripen past their prime and become too soft to eat, do you toss them, bake them, or find another use like shoe polish or wart remover? What do you think?
I love freezing bananas that didn’t get eaten on time! Being a big smoothie fans, I totally agree with you about the frozen fruit vs. ice cubes. I usually use frozen fruit in my smoothies! I actually have a few bananas on the counter right now that need to be put in a baggie in the freezer – thanks for the reminder!! 🙂
Ooh, Jen, what other types of fruit to you freeze as a base for your smoothies? I’m not a big smoothie fan, but I’m open to idea since my kids beg for fruit all the time. Smoothies might help me stretch the fruit a bit more. 😉
I am def. going to try the planter’s wart thing on my daughter. Who knew??
Don’t know if it works, Shannon. But I’m willing to try it. Let us know if it works. 🙂