One of my favorite cleaning products is Scrubbing Bubbles. This family of products has kept my bathrooms clean for years.
With porcelain sinks, I read a number of reviews prior to cleaning that recommended using Scrubbing Bubbles, which I did.
Finding the Corrosion
On this last round of cleaning at our home, I noticed that the chrome around our bathroom faucets was peeling away.
At first, I thought my children had left toothpaste on the knobs causing the flaking and corrosion down to the metal.
To clean it, I took off the hot and cold knobs and did a thorough cleaning. Whatever happened, the peeling chrome was beyond repair.
Realizing that our over 7-year-old house might need a new faucet or two, I purchased a similar model and Paul, my “Mr. Fix It” husband, replaced the faucet. In reading the directions, Paul asked how I cleaned the sinks. Well, of course, I use Scrubbing Bubbles.
Locating the Source
Well, guess what? The directions on the faucet state that the use of products by Lysol and Scrubbing Bubbles has been known to damage the chrome. Wow! No wonder 3 of our 4 sinks had chrome-peeling issues.
Since I just learned that my constant cleaning (at times) with Scrubbing Bubbles caused damage to our home, I will refrain from using Scrubbing Bubbles on all our chrome fixtures. I will still use it on my toilets, counters, and possibly the porcelain basins. We now have 1 faucet replaced, another that was not affected, and 2 more with minor chrome damage.
If you also use Scrubbing Bubbles on your chrome faucets, take notice. In cleaning your home and using time wisely, use Scrubbing Bubbles on your toilets, showers, and tubs. The product is great for cleaning, but the chrome fixtures is one place where you shouldn’t use Scrubbing Bubbles. Learn from my mistake, and happy cleaning!
Question: In my quest for another cleaner that will protect the porcelain basins without damaging our chrome faucets, what do you recommend?
I have Scrubbing Bubbles here too and am hesitant to use it in a number of places! It is soooo strong!! We have switched to mainly green products, which unfortunately doesn’t necessarily do as good of a job for those tough cleaning jobs, but it keeps the heavy chemicals out of the house. Hope you have managed to find a replacement 🙂
I think I’m going to try Soft Scrub, but definitely won’t put Scrubbing Bubbles back on the chrome. 🙂